Make Yourself Look Better By Reading On


Caring for your skin and how you look is going to make a difference in your appearance today and for many years to come. If you take the time to follow some quality beauty tips, you are going to find out some things about skin care and beauty products that you did not know but will help you out.

Keep eye drops on you at all times. Keep them in your purse, desk or both. This will help your eyes glisten through the day and make you not look so tired. Looking at a computer all day can also make your eyes red and keeping eye drops around will help that.

When you file your nails, make sure you don’t file in only one direction. This can put stress on your nails and cause them to weaken, become thin and break easily.

Want pouty, sensual lips? Put a little dab of white eyeshadow right below the divot between your nose and upper lip. This will give you a highlight so that the light catches it and your upper lip will seem a bit fuller.

Always keep a stash of vitamin E. Vitamin E can be used for several things. Vitamin E is excellent for helping skin remain soft and supple. Rub a small amount of Vitamin E on your fingernails to alleviate dry, rough cuticles.

Never go to the cosmetics counter for skincare application tips while your skin is irritated, bumpy, or in especially bad shape. Applying a new cosmetic product over the irritated skin can actually make the condition much worse. Wait until the condition has improved, then make the trip and set up an appointment.

Make your shampoo and conditioner last longer. If you are using an expensive shampoo or conditioner that is thick, you can stretch out the amount of use you get out of it by watering it down. Be careful not to add too much water because this can ruin it.

When your fingernail tears, use a teabag to repair it. Empty all the tea from one teabag, first. Then, cut a piece of the teabag that is the size of the tear. Finally, place it on the tear, then paint over it using clear nail polish.

To heal facial blemishes overnight, wash your face well and dab on a little pure tea tree oil before bed. You can also use tea tree oil full strength during the day or mix it with aloe vera gel for a light, natural, healing daytime moisturizer that tones and firms your skin.

To get softer and sexier lips use a honey scrub! Take 3 drops of honey, and mix it with half a teaspoon of sugar. Apply the mixture liberally to your lips, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. When you wash it off, you’ll find your lips have gotten softer and may even look fuller.

Eyelashes are easy to enhance and they make a dramatic difference in your appearance. Use your eyelash curler daily, prior to applying mascara. This will make your lashes more visible, help your eyes look larger, and draw a lot of admiring attention.

A daily application of petroleum jelly is great for making your feet and toes soft. Many people find that petroleum jelly is an inexpensive way to get rid of hard calluses. Apply the petroleum jelly three times a week to the balls, soles, and heels of your feet to maintain smooth and healthy skin there.

To hide purplish under-eye circles, try a yellow concealer. The yellow helps to cancel out the purple, leaving a smooth palette for applying your foundation. A thin layer of creamy yellow concealer also makes a great primer layer for your eyeshadow, because it minimizes the appearance of capillaries and helps the shadow stick.

A great tip to use when tweezing your eyebrows is to use restrain. Over plucking the brows can lead to bald patches and emaciated brows where hair only grows back irregularly. If this has happened, use a brow gel which is protein-spiked to encourage healthy regrowth and brow fillers that can shade in areas that are problems.

Putting on your own nail polish can be very frustrating, especially when using your non-dominant hand. Next time, apply your normal two color coats and a topcoat in the evening (give the polish a few hours to dry before bedtime). Don’t worry too much if the polish gets on your cuticles. Then, in the morning, take a hot shower, and all the extra polish on your cuticles and skin will rub right off.

To give more definition to your eyes apply mascara. If you only have a few minutes, you can apply mascara to highlight your eyes, and look like you have spent more time than you really have getting ready. Adding eye color will only take a few moments, and really completes your look.

If you want to look beautiful, you must take care of your skin and maintain a healthful lifestyle. One of the most important things to do is reduce dry skin on your face. Another good idea is a daily rubbing of good lotion.

Regular massage treatments can help you physically and mentally. Massage has several beneficial results, such as helping to stimulate circulation, tone muscles, promote lymph drainage, and clear toxins from your body. Make it a habit to get a massage from time to time and get these benefits for yourself.

Hopefully, you have learned a few things that will help you in your beauty routines. With so many tips to learn and to follow, you are sure to get the results that you seek by following at least some of them. The use of the right products and these tips is going to make you feel as pretty as you look.