This Guidance Will Lead You To The Jewelry Answers You Need


Buying and selling jewelry can be exciting. Before you jump into this market, you need to do your research and learn all you can about jewelry. There are many things to learn so that you don’t get poor pieces and so you don’t lose money on a sale. The tips below can help you with that.

Try adding a special personal touch to your pieces by getting them professionally engraved. You can add just about anything and it makes it a more special and memorable piece to you or somebody you care about. You can get names, initials, small messages, symbols, etc. finely carved into your pieces to truly make them one-of-a-kind.

When dealing with jewelry that will displayed as part of you, it is important to trust the store that is selling you their items. If you trust them, it more likely they will not give you low quality pieces of jewelry. A company that you trust will give the feeling you that you made a good decision.

If you’re planning a traditional wedding, then you can’t go wrong with pearls! You can have them on your tiara, wear them as stud or dangle earrings, have a gorgeous “Y” necklace adorned with them, or even a pearl and Swarovski crystal bracelet. Blue pearls are an excellent way to get really traditional, or borrow your Mother’s or Grandmother’s single strand necklace.

When buying jewelry, the most important thing to consider is what you like and feel comfortable in. Even if bracelets or dangling earrings are in fashion, something that you dislike or don’t feel comfortable in never looks fashionable. When you’re uncomfortable, it shows. When you’re comfortable and like your look, it shows!

Test it out by wearing it yourself; you don’t want to give a piece that will be uncomfortable or awkward for the recipient. Doing this also helps you see if the jewelery is long lasting or likely to break easily.

Take proactive steps to minimize the number of times that you have to clean your jewelry. When getting dressed, put your jewelry on after you apply perfume and makeup. This will prevent the residue of these products from leaving a film on your jewelry. Also, remember to remove your jewelry before cleaning and doing other housework.

Once you have decided that you are going to purchase a piece of jewelry and are ready to start shopping, consider taking a friend or family member with you. This way, you have someone else to bounce ideas off of and another viewpoint for the items you are considering.

Before you step out for the day take one last look at your jewelry. It is important to edit your look, whether it means taking pieces off or adding a few. Accessories are key to a put together look for both men and women but too many accessories, especially jewelry, can create a gaudy look. On the other hand, some clothing can look undone without the appropriate jewelry.

Shop on independent user sites to find jewelry that is handmade by individuals. There is no vetting or filtering of products offered for sale, so you will often have to weed through a lot of items that are less than professional, but finding that one striking gem is worth the treasure hunt. Among the most frequented websites for finding jewelry made by individuals are Etsy and Multiply.

Collecting many long necklaces and chains can present unique storage problems; so try storing necklaces the same way you wear them by hanging them vertically. Whether you make your own or buy one, a hanging storage system will simplify your dressing routine. Necklaces will be easier to see and the tangling that occurs from improper storage will be eliminated.

Use extra care when cleaning pearls. Pearls have a soft, organic surface which can be easily scratched or chipped. The surface can be dulled by chemicals or alcohol. You only need to clean pearl jewelry with water and very mild soap. A pearl necklace should be professionally rest-rung about every two years if you wear it frequently.

At some point in your life, you may have been approached by a friendly stranger in a store parking lot, claiming to work at a big retail store and offering to sell you a piece of jewelery at an unbelievably low price. If you have heard the phrase, “buyer beware” now is the time to heed those words and walk away. Most of the time it is merely gold plated and will change color within a month or so. If you think it may be the real deal offer to go to a pawn shop to test the purity. If they refuse then definitely walk away before you end up getting duped.

When buying a diamond, priority should be given to the diamond’s cut, carat weight, and color. The least consideration should be given to the diamond’s clarity. Since imperfections in a diamond are usually extremely small, they usually have no effect upon the brilliance of the diamond. The brilliance of a diamond depends almost entirely its cut and proportions.

If you are searching for a reputable jeweler, you should check with friends, family, and members from your community first. Aside from that, check the store’s reliability rating from the Better Business Bureau. The more information you can gather the more comfortable you will be making your jewelry purchases from a well known and widely used jeweler.

Learning what you can prior to buying or selling jewelry ensures that you can make smarter decisions as to what you should have to get what you need. So, do yourself a favor and do your research and apply the above tips to your jewelry buying or selling ventures.