Use These Tips And Tricks On Your Next Shopping Trip


Choosing jewelry can seem like a daunting task if you are not sure where to start. Knowing someone’s birth stone or favorite metal (such as gold, white gold or silver) can help you immensely, when picking out jewelry. Read the tips in this article to get ideas for which bracelets, rings, or necklaces, are the most fitting.

If you have metal allergies, make sure to purchase nickel free jewelry. Nickel is a common alloy that is mixed in with precious metals such as sterling silver to make them more pliable. Silver itself is very liquid in its original state and therefore not substantial enough to be properly molded into jewelry. Oftentimes, another alloy such as nickel is added. Make sure you check what you are purchasing to make sure it is nickel free.

Like with any important purchase, make sure that you are purchasing your jewelry from an experienced jeweler, one who has a solid reputation. You need one that you can trust and who can help you find what you need. They need to be friendly too, and not just another salesperson pushing what they think you should buy. It may even be wise to spend a little more in an established store, than to risk buying what seems to be the same item from someone spurious.

Do not use ultrasonic cleaners and jewelry cleaning liquids on your precious and semi- precious gemstones. Most gemstones are easily damaged and their properties become corroded by the chemical properties in jewelry cleaning liquids. Ultrasonic cleaners can shake the gemstone settings apart and deteriorate the glue used to secure the gemstone in the setting.

Make sure you give yourself adequate time when ordering a new jewelry piece. Most pieces have a turn around time of six to eight weeks. This can become a problem quickly if you need the jewelry for an important occasion. Make sure you give yourself extra time on top of the proposed time-frame.

When giving a piece of jewelry to a significant other, a great tip to follow if you are not confident in your observation abilities is to ask friends or family members of your significant other their opinions as to what type of jewelry you should purchase. If you do this, you will have shown your significant other that you made a genuine effort to make the moment special.

Deep, rich blue sapphires are commonly known as the birthstone for those born in September. Their dark, mysterious coloring is often thought to have protective powers over anyone who wears the gem in their rings, bracelets, or brooches. Blue sapphire nicely complements purples and deep scarlet accents and looks beautiful with all settings, but especially platinum or silver.

Stick to one stand-out piece of jewelry per outfit, and choose simpler pieces for the rest. If you are wearing long, shoulder-grazing earrings, for instance, keep your necklace simple. This gives the eyes somewhere to rest and keeps your ensemble from looking too busy.

Consider purchasing pearl jewelry. Pearl jewelry provides a sophisticated look, and it is relatively inexpensive. Do not buy natural pearls, which do carry a high price tag. Search for cultured pearls; you want to find ones that look shiny and are not dull or murky looking. Consider going to a jeweler so that you are less likely to be sold a fake item.

When purchasing jewelry, have a friend or family member go with you. They can assist you as you are selecting a piece of jewelry, and they can also remind you of important details that you may have forgotten, like the ring size or favorite gemstone of the person you are buying for. A companion can also keep you from getting overwhelmed as you shop.

If you do not have enough money to buy jewelry, you can easily create your own. Earrings and necklaces are very easy to do: you can buy lovely beads for very cheap, or even make your own. Practice until you get it right, and people will not be able to tell the difference.

When you are trying to buy jewelry for your girlfriend, get her best friend’s opinion first. It is pretty likely that your girlfriend and her best friend share fashion tips and go shopping together. Her best friend will probably know what styles of jewelry will appeal to your girlfriend, so run your selection past her first. But, make sure if you’re trying to make your gift a surprise, that you swear the girlfriend to secrecy!

When buying jewelry for someone that you care about consider diamonds if you are unsure of what to get. This is because most anybody will wear them and they will always hold their value. Diamonds come in many different shapes sizes and price ranges to cover any occasion.

Those little boxes that your jewelry comes in when you first purchase it make great jewelry storage containers. All you have to do is take the padding out of the box, and then you are able to store several pieces of jewelry in there. This is a safe method for storing your jewelry.

When buying jewelry for someone that you care about make sure that you are always aware of the exchange or return procedures. This is very important in case either the recipient does not like it or if something happens where you choose to not give it to them. Be sure that all terms are in writing.

When selecting the right piece of jewelry, it is important to have a gemologist or other registered jewelry appraiser present to ensure you are getting the right price. The difference in quality of some precious gems may look minimal to the untrained eye, but these slight differences can change the price of jewelry substantially.

Keeping the occasion in mind when selecting jewelry, can help you decide what is appropriate, and what the recipient would like most. Knowing the birthstones for each month and the budget you have will also, make it easier to choose. Remember the tips in this article if you’d like to give jewelry as a gift.