Your Fuzzy Friend: Cat Tips For Owners


Properly training your new cat takes a unique skill-set that no other animal can prepare you for. If you hope for your pet to be well-behaved, house trained, and playful with others, then you need to spend as much time with it as possible and practice any of the tips you find in the following paragraph. It’s not like a dog that you can leave outside on the chain for weeks.

Keep your cat occupied by making your own dangly toys. Using soft cotton rope, cut a length of about two feet. Tie a knot at one end. Tie another knot about three inches from the opposite end. Unravel the rope below this knot. Attach the rope to the back of a kitchen chair for your cat to play.

Cats love to play so make sure that you provide them with lots of toys. Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse or little ball around the room. Some cats even develop a favorite toy. Playing with your cat is not only fun, it helps them to get exercise too.

If you have a male cat, it is important to have him neutered before he goes into heat. When male cats start maturing, they will begin to spray around the house. It smells like ammonia and is hard to remove. Having your male cat neutered can help to prevent this from happening.

Check your cats ears frequently for ear mites. You may notice your cat shaking their head or scratching their ears a lot if they have them. They are tiny parasites that look like coffee grounds in your cat’s ears. If you have more than one cat, they can also travel from cat to cat. See a vet before using any medication on them since their ears need properly cleaned first.

Cats and electrical cords don’t mix. If you notice your cat has a habit of chewing on electric cords, try to bundle them up and hide them out of the cat’s reach. If that’s not possible, spray a little bit of bitter apple onto the cords. Not only is bitter apple non-toxic, cats absolutely hate the taste.

If your cat is pregnant, set up a comfortable, safe place for her to have her kittens. A big cardboard box equipped with a pillow and blanket is good. Place it in the back of a closet or other out of the way place. Keep food and water dishes nearby.

Think about getting a microchip implanted in your cat. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. Collars or tags can identify your cat, but cats can wiggle out of those, and they are also at risk of getting hung up on something. Microchips are minuscule, but can hold all the essential information about your cat and its hope. They are impossible for your pet to lose, and most vets and shelters have equipment that can read these chips.

The correct location is important when picking a spot for a cat’s litter box. It shouldn’t be put in an area with high traffic and should be far from their food. Also, minimize the smell by making sure it is a well ventilated area. Your kitty will thank you.

Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she’s out of the house it can save her.

Give serious thought to spaying or neutering your cat. Your vet can give you the pros and cons of both, but if you plan to keep your cat for a long period of time you should consider this operation. Cat overpopulation is a real problem, and you can do your part.

You should do regular checkups of your cat between veterinarian visits. A good time to do this is when you are petting the animal. Check the entire body for things like scabs and lesions. Also look in and around the ears for any discharge, which can be a sign of ear mites. Check the cat from head to tail.

It is important that you do not feed your cat too much food from the table. Cats do not digest human food the same way that your does. It can also lead to your cat becoming overweight. If your cat is carrying around too much weight, it will be hard for them to jump up on furniture and get around.

If your cat is bitten by another cat, try to get him to the vet within 24 hours. The vet can put him on antibiotics that will protect him from infection setting in, and causing serious health problems. Cat bites can trap bacteria under your cat’s skin, forming an abscess, or other dangerous infection that can cost you hundreds of dollars to treat later.

While cats can be finicky, you should not encourage this behavior. A cat will eat the exact same cat food their whole life if it is tasty and nutritious. You do not need to mix up the flavors. Doing this can encourage the cat to skip certain foods they previously ate and wait for another.

Your first cat will always be your hardest, but the ones that follow will all be pretty difficult as well. Each cat has its own unique attitude, habits, and back-story. All that you can do is try your hardest to train them properly and implement the tips you have read above.