Cat Tips You Can Only Find Here


A cat can be a great pet. After all, they don’t need to be walked, dislike baths and seem to take care of themselves. However, there are some things you need to do for them, even though they may not think so. Here are some kitty tips that you can follow to give your cat a great life.

Older cats will appreciate a heated bed; you can use a heated tile to create one! Heat a fabric covered heating pad in the microwave for a couple of minutes, making sure that is not too hot to the touch. Keep this underneath your cat’s resting space for extra warmth. This should be changed a few times a day to maximize comfort.

Choose a high quality food. The key to a healthy cat starts with nutrition. Take a look at the ingredients label. If you look at most “popular” commercial cat foods, you may be surprised to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so look for a food with a real meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more up front, but these foods are often more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer.

Be certain your cat has regular vet visits. They need a check-up and possibly vaccinations. If you notice that your cat appears to be experiencing some sort of illness or injury, do not delay a trip to the vet.

Take your cat to the vet periodically. A lot of cat owners tend to avoid the vet because it can be harder to get a cat ready to go anywhere she does not want to go! It is also easy to avoid the vet because cats seem so self-reliant. However, it’s smart to get your cat to the vet to avoid any problems.

Do not punish your cat if they make a mess in the area outside of the litter box. Usually this is a sign that you haven’t cleaned the box recently. Punishing your cat will make it afraid of being close to you.

To make sure your kitten is properly socialized to humans, begin early in his life, about ten to twelve weeks of age. Be sure that he is handled and petted by humans in his family and by others as well. When he is older, he will be a calmer, friendlier cat.

If you have more than one cat, you should have as many litter boxes as you have cats. If too many cats have to share the same litter box, it can mean disaster! The cats may choose not to share their eliminating space, instead, using other areas, such as clean laundry or hidden corners of the home to do their business.

Understand that your cat is easily influenced by its surroundings. Cats have superior memories and will usually retain training for a lifetime. Conversely, they also retain frightening experiences and it takes them a long time to get over their fears. Be encouraging with your cat and avoid situations that scare them.

Just as important as it is to take care of your own teeth, you need to take care of your cats as well. Cats can develop tarter and plaque build-up over time. Purchasing a toothbrush and toothpaste made specially for felines is a great way to keep your cats teeth clean and healthy.

If your cat has recently given birth, be sure she has a safe, private area to take care of them. Mother cats can become frightened by strangers or loud noise, sometimes leading to decreased milk production. They may also hide the kittens in places where you cannot find them, such as closets, or under beds.

Put a collar around your cat’s neck. Make sure it has your address, phone number and name. Even if your cat lives in the house, he could always get out. If this should happen, you will have a better chance of getting your cat back home.

If you decide to declaw your cat, never allow it to go outside. Your cat cannot defend itself, rendering it helpless against other animals. Declaw your cat if you plan on always having it inside. Remove only the front claws. Leave the back claws, as these do not scratch your floors or furniture.

It is a misconception that cats should drink milk or cream after they are weaned. Once a kitten is weaned from its mother’s milk, it no longer needs milk of any kind. In fact, milk or cream can cause digestive problems when given to an adult cat. So, to be on the safe side, skip the milk, and offer your pets lots of clean water instead.

If you will be out of town or gone for more than a few hours, make sure to hire a pet sitter to take care of your cat. Most people think of pet sitters as necessary for only dogs, but they are important for cats too. You need someone to check in on your cat, make sure he eats and give him some love while you are away.

Make sure to feed your diet pet food specifically made for cats. While a bag of dog food might be cheaper pound for pound, it will not contain the necessary vitamins, minerals and especially protein content to keep your cats healthy. Giving a cat dog food on a regular basis can also cause kidney failure and other serious illnesses.

Your cat may not think he needs you, but he does. If you use the tips in this article, you can make yourself even more necessary. These tips can help keep your cat healthy and happy, so give each of them a try. You can even search out more tips, so your cat has the best life possible.