Cats Made Easy To Understand With This Article


Cats are truly fascinating animals. Fiercely independent, strong-willed and intelligent, they are also very loving and affectionate. To ensure that your cat is properly cared for, take some time to study the best cat care advice and tips. Continue reading this article to learn everything you need to know to properly care for your kitty cat.

Before acquiring a cat, be sure that you have the wherewithal to take care of all necessary vet care. Cats reproduce at an alarming rate, and spaying or neutering is essential to keeping cat population under control. Check spay, neuter and vaccination costs and packages with local vets and clinics and be sure you can afford to give your cat proper medical care.

If your cat is picky about drinking water, invest in a cat fountain. These battery operated or plug in fountains keep water circulating and aerated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will help keep your cat out of the kitchen sink and the toilet. It will also help prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor in search of fresh water.

Take your cat to the vet periodically. A lot of cat owners tend to avoid the vet because it can be harder to get a cat ready to go anywhere she does not want to go! It is also easy to avoid the vet because cats seem so self-reliant. However, it’s smart to get your cat to the vet to avoid any problems.

There’s always a chance that you cat can slip outside your home and become lost. This can be prevented with a breakaway collar. The collar includes an ID, featuring your name, phone number, and address. If the cat is found, anyone can easily contact you and return the cat to you thanks to the information on the collar.

Think twice before leaving a child alone with a kitten. A cat should not be left alone with a child under five years of age. They are just not mature enough to understand the danger they can pose for the kitten. When children are over the age of five, then you should decide whether or not they are mature enough to handle a kitten.

Make sure that there are enough litter boxes in your home for all of the cats that are staying there. It is optimal to have one litter box for each cat. If you live in a home that has a lot of floors, there should be one on each floor for each cat.

Don’t teach the basics of using a litter box. This is a natural instinct for felines, and it need not be taught. While some folks think you should pick up your cat and place their paws against the litter, this can actually be traumatic.

Sometimes you need to give your cat a pill. Some cats are harder than others, but you should trim their nails first. Then hold the head, open the mouth, and put the pill in. Then blow on the cats face. This will likely make the cat lick its nose, and the pill will go down naturally.

If you’ve just met a cat, don’t look at them in their eyes. Cats do not like being stared at by people they don’t know. That’s why they are more comfortable if you are not looking at them. They are more likely to approach you that way, and more likely to kindly regard you in the future.

If you suspect your cat has sprayed in your home but can not find the area, there is hope. Purchasing an inexpensive black light can save you from having to rip up your carpets. Your cats urine will glow under the black light, showing you exactly where to clean.

You can use certain scents to discourage your cat from going into certain areas of your home. Aloe gel, citrus peels, and citrus juices smell wonderful to us, but cats don’t feel the same way. Soak a cotton ball in one of these liquids, then place it on top of a piece of foil to prevent the liquid from staining your surface. Place the foil and cotton ball near the off-limits area.

Your cat may be lonely if you return to work after adopting them. One possible solution to ending your cat’s loneliness is to adopt a second cat.

Do not give your cat any products that were made to get rid of fleas or worms if you know that she is pregnant. While you want to get rid of these pests once and for all, it is not worth placing your cat’s health in any type of jeopardy.

When listening to your favorite music, keep in mind that your cat’s hearing is much more sensitive than your own. Music with high pitched treble and thumping bass are particularly difficulty for your cat, so keep the volume low. To please your cat and help him relax, play something with a slower tempo.

Much like people, cats have been known to develop food allergies later in life. Any time you introduce a new type of treat or food into your pet’s diet, watch them closely for signs of an allergic reaction. These include shortness of breath, hives, and erratic behavior. If possible, determine which ingredients are the culprit and ask your vet for recommendations.

As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, cats are absolutely fascinating animals. Properly caring for cats, however, is not as easy as many people think. It takes some real effort. Apply all of the great cat care tips and advice outlined in this article to keep your kitty healthy and happy.