Your cat probably seems like the most independent animal you’ve ever seen. They don’t seem to need your attention like a dog might, and they seem self-reliant in almost every way. That may be so, but your cat still needs some care from you. Here are some cat tips to help you give your cat the best care.
Be sure to have your pet cat spayed or neutered by the time it is six months old. A spayed or neutered cat is a more satisfactory pet because it is calmer, quieter and more likely to stay home. Neutered male cats do not spray urine to mark their territory. This is definitely a plus when it comes to cat ownership.
Cats really enjoy squeezing into any and all small spaces. Cats that wear collars are at risk should they become stuck somewhere cramped. A breakaway style collar will literally “break away” if pulled too tight. Your cat can preserve a few of his nine lives with this.
To keep your cat happy and healthy, its important to schedule regular visits to the vet. Not only are regular checkups good for catching problems early, but regular visits can insure that your cat keeps up to date on its vaccinations. If you don’t know when the last time your cat had its shots, schedule an appointment for booster shots as soon as possible.
Protecting your cat from household chemicals is something that you may already know, but did you know that protecting them from medications is just as important? Common over the counter medicines such as ibuprofen can be toxic to your cat, even in small doses. Keep your medication safely out of the reach of your cat.
Cats love to much on grass and plants such as catnip. There are plants however that are poisonous to cats. Chrysanthemums and holly are beautiful and common around the Holidays, but can be very toxic to cats. Other plants that are toxic or lethal include lilies, rhubarb and daffodils.
Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she’s out of the house it can save her.
If your cat seems to want to avoid his food bowl, try getting a different kind of bowl. Plastic can sometimes turn a cat off if it isn’t cleaned constantly, and can hold on to certain scents. Try glass or a metal bowl for best results, so your cat will keep eating.
Who says only dogs can do tricks? Cats are very intelligent and have the ability to learn as well, especially as young kittens. Some people train their cats to play fetch just like dogs do. There are even people who have successfully trained their cat to use a regular toilet, instead of a litter box.
Give serious thought to spaying or neutering your cat. Your vet can give you the pros and cons of both, but if you plan to keep your cat for a long period of time you should consider this operation. Cat overpopulation is a real problem, and you can do your part.
Cats have a natural instinct to hunt small prey. This can sometimes be a problem if you have other small animals in your home. Make sure that bird cages are hanging from the ceiling. If you have a gerbil or hamster, make sure their cages are secure and up high out of your cats reach.
When you are washing a cat litter box, it is a good idea to use basic soap and water. You may think that it would be more sanitary to use a harsh cleaner like bleach or ammonia, but all that will do is create a smell that the cat will find offensive.
Feed a kitten proper food. A developing kitten survives exclusively on their mother’s milk for the first four weeks, a commercial formula if the mother isn’t around. When moving to regular food, feed them specially formulated kitten food until they reach maturity at the age of one. Kittens need plenty of protein while they are developing.
If you have more than one cat, it is a good idea for you to give them each their own food bowls. Place them far apart so that each cat has their space. If you provide just one bowl for the cats to share, it may cause larger cats to bully the smaller ones.
You schedule your doctor’s appointments on a regular basis and you should do the same with your new cat. Cats need regular checkups to make sure they haven’t caught any bugs or infections in the wild. Many cats actually deal with obesity as well and a vet will be able to point this out.
Cats have a great sense of smell, which allows them to be more perceptive. It can occur when something new is introduced to the home, like a new water bowl, scratching post or bed. The cat may be leery of the new additions at first. They’ll get used to it given time.
Clean your cat’s litter box. Cats will use litter boxes on instinct if they know where to find it. Let your cat go naturally and don’t manually force it to go by putting it in the box or pushing it to scratch the litter. Keep the box in a private place, scoop its contents on a daily basis and give it a periodic wash.
Caring for your cat can seem like a thankless job most of the time, but any cat owner is happy to do it. You just need to use the information in this article to be sure you are doing all you can for your independent feline companion. If you follow these tips, you might hear more purring!